Sunday, October 11, 2009

God's Word is Always Timely.

I try to memorize a verse or passage every week or two. Even though this task can be so difficult, I am reminded time and time again how important it is to have God's word in my heart and mind. He uses it to remind me of His presence and mission. He uses it so that I may see how beautiful and true He is and how much I constantly need His grace. He uses it to make me the person He created me to be so that I may glorify Him and love others well.

So, I realized that the verse I have been meditating on is, of course, perfectly tied to my last blog. His timing is always perfect :)

"Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxieties on Him for He cares for you." (1 Peter 5: 6-7)

I realize that many times in my life I have called on the Lord to help me but at the same time, kept holding onto my problems and trying to logically fix them myself. I've been missing the key to this verse, which is "humble yourselves." Wow, that makes a difference! It's only when we let go and realize our weakness and simultaneously recognize His "mighty hand" that we will truly see God working in our lives.

How does this apply to my teaching and the classroom? Well, I often find myself in either one of two places when I run into problems in the classroom (usually with classroom management, my downfall): 1) I try to solve every kid's problems and get exhausted trying to make it work for everyone; or 2) I become overwhelmed and just ignore the problems. Needless to say, neither are healthy. Memorizing this verse has made me realize that I need to humble myself before the Lord at all times, not just in times of desperation, trusting that He is wiser and stronger than me (obviously, yet at times, my mind deceives me) and that He has the perfect timing for everything.

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